Oil Reclamation Solutions

AWR was initially formed to help address the saltwater disposal needs in the Utica & Marcellus basins, primarily located in Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. We quickly expanded to the Permian Basin in West Texas with various Class II injection wells in both Ohio and Texas. Once we opened our facility in West Texas, our customers had a growing need to address their flowback fluids and basic sediment and water or BS&W. We upgraded our facility and received our permit to Reclaim Oilfield Related Hydrocarbons. Our Reclamation Plant is located in Andrews County, Texas within miles of major oil drilling and production leases. Our strategic locations maximize capacity and therefore profitability for our partners.  

One of the most important AWR goals is to ensure that our natural resources are not wasted. Our ability to manage flowback fluids and BS&W with our step-down process allows us to better separate the waste from any reclaimable oil and produced water. We then utilize as much of the byproducts as possible and are left with less waste in the end.  

We continue to grow our facilities and strategically locate them near the largest producers in the areas we serve. Our Reclamation Plant grew out of strong partnerships with our customers. Collaboration is one of our most important tenants and if you would like a partner in the management of your complex and liquid waste, please reach out to us and let us know how we can help.  

Learn more about our solutions. We look forward to meeting you!